Happy New Year Everyone!
Antenna here is... (always changing).
When the temperature is above 48° (9°C), I generally operate outdoors in some form or fashion.
The more permanently-mounted base antenna at home is a 29 foot vertical, #18 wire on a Jackite pole with 24 ground radials laid on top of the short Spring lawn cut short. The radials are #17 aluminum electric fence wire (not steel), each 14 feet long. I feed it with a remote mounted SGC-230 tuner.
I have been using a Cootie key lately and really enjoy manually sending Morse code. Sometimes I go for a walk /PM with the KX2 using a homebrew whip and coil for 10-40m with a trailing wire.
Check out my new YouTube Channel
and my blog at
I just got back from Texas where I operated pedestrian mobile during 2024 Christmas holiday week. I have worked KI4DEF from Colorado, San Diego, and now Texas, all with my KX2 and /PM. He likes to run 1 Watt from his K3.
WVØH Myron
Printed on Recycled Data
SKCC: 12769, Flying Pigs: 3840, NAQCC: 8699, FISTS: 20052, 4S QRP: 848, Cookie Crumble: 158, SSS: 107, Skeeter: 86, Bumble Bee: 62, Sasquatch: 976, Peanut Power: 105, NE QRP: 894, Zombie: 1332, 10-10: 55230
(I will never offer items for sale and have you reply to my QRZCQ email address).
Elecraft K1, K2, KX3, KX2
QRP-Labs QMX (mid-band) kit
WA3RNC Penntek TR-35
BuddiStick Pro (coil Q 268)
SuperAntenna MP1 (coil Q 366)
MFJ Big Ear / Big Stick (coil Q 468)
Chameleon SS-25 (has to be mounted on a tank)
Gabil GRA-7350T (can be mounted on a clothespin)
and a whole lot of wire antennas / poles