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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-02-08 00:46:32 UTC









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activity index: 3 of 5

Tim Vandagriff

Ardmore 73401
United States, OK

united states
image of wa5yom

Call data

Last update:2024-09-07 04:03:28
QTH:Southern Oklahoma
Main prefix:K
Federal state:OK
US county:Carter
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:7
CQ Zone:4
ULS record:855407

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2023-11-30 13:57:00
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


I subscribed to Popular Electronics and Popular Science.

One day I saw a Crystal calibrator in Popular Electronics: I misunderstood its use, but it spurred a conversation with my Dad who had been a radio operator on the LST 312 during WWII. He told me about Ham Radio and offered to get me a CB. I bought a set of used ROSS CB walkie-talkies which provided hours of fun.

However, I knew immediately that I wanted to check out Ham Radio. His place of work had a club station that I was able to visit. He also knew a man that was a Ham. We visited is VHF-only shack in the basement. He let me mess around with the radio's. All I heard was static, but I was hooked. I had a friend in High School that had an interesting Tie clip, a combination of letters and numbers. It turned out to be his General class call sign, so I visited his shack. My dad helped me make a home-made key and oscillator and I was on my way to learning the code which I quickly learned. My Dad and I both studied for our
Novice. I remember very clearly the day that my Dad and I took my novice test, at the home of K2YCO. I was a nervous wreck. Charles had a very impressive VHF station. A few months later we received our Novice calls, WN2GTQ (me) and WN2GTS(Dad).While waiting for our license we built a Heathkit HR-10B and DX-60B ( I was already into kit building before this, we had built a Heathkit Guitar Amp.) We installed a Inverted "V" antenna designed by a local ham, Harry Lott. After that it is all history, I have been a Ham since July 17th, 1968 at 1914 GMT (my first contact).Ham Radio eventually led to my career as a Electrical Engineer.

In 1969 we moved. to Ardmore, OK. and we obtained our new call signs, WN5YOM and WN5YON, respectably.

We got our General Class license in 1970.

Upon upgrading we built our new General Class station consisting of a Heathkit SB-301 and SB-401 and a Cubical Quad up about 55 feet.

Later we moved to Florida for a short period where we had the call signs WB4YPG and WB4YPH.

Upon returning to Oklahoma we were able to get our 5 land call signs back.

I enjoy DXing and operate mostly CW. Lately I have found Ft8 to be a very interesting mode.

I am a retired Electrical Engineer of 43 years.

I have a Extra Class License and I am a Life Member of the ARRL.

I am also a Life Member of INDEXA, and past member of Lone Star DX Association and Oklahoma DX Association.

10-10# 13643 , SKCC# 13242T , QCWA# 27650, Life Member CWOPS# 2782, Fists# 21954, QRZ Lifetime Member #792.

I am recently widowed. My XYL, Georgia, KB5DCV, passed away from Alzheime's disease on January 3, 2021. We were married 37 years and together 42 years. I love her dearly and my life will never be the same. We have a daughter Dana that lives in Brooklyn, NY.

My Dad, WA5YON, passed July 17, 2024, at 101 1/2 years old. He will be missed.

Worked DXCCs:


My current station consists of a FlexRadio 6600 with Flex PGXL Amplifier, Flex TGXL Antenna Tuner, Force 12 C3S Yagi up about 45 feet on a Rohn tower and a 160, 80, 40, 30 meter Sloper, Antenna switching is accomplished through the 403A Antenna Genius 8X2 Plus. I use a I1QOD Bug for most of my CW contacts. It is truely a work of art.

Additional rigs include our original Novice setup, Heathkit HR-10B and DX-60B, HD-10 Keyer.

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

Other images

second pic
WA5YOM / A couple of blocks from the 2013 Boston Marathon finish line

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