Please visit my website W6AER.COM for more details as well as Projects, Tips, Frequency Databases and much more. New content and updates regularly.
For Confirmations, QSL cards do not require a SASE (Self Addressed Self Stamped Envelope) if Domestic. I enjoy getting them and I am more then happy to provide and pay myself for return postage if you are kind enough to take the time to send me one. Although, if you send a SASE or 2 GS for international, it is always appreciated. I log ALL direct QSOs not just HF. This is including those via Satellite, VHF/UHF and up.
In addition to physical cards, I also QSL via LOTW (My preference), eQSL (AG), Clublog (OQRS) and QRZ or via the ARRL Bureau (ARRL 6th District) but it might take some time. These get shipped about twice a year.
Author of Ham Radio DX: A Complete Guide
To view on Amazon visit
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For the MaximumRF YouTube Channel
Twitter (X):
73 de Lucas in Pacifica, CA
Worked DXCCs:
FlexRadio 6600 (HF & 6m)
Power Genius XL Amplifier
Icom 9700 (2m, 70cm, 23cm)
Icom 905 (up to 10GHz)
Various other VHF/UHF radios and transverters
SteppIR UrbanBeam and BigIR IV w/80m coil
30m Dipole (NW)
160m K6MM Antenna
M2 Leo Pack 144/440 for Satellite
M2 6m Yagi / 2m Yagi
220(1.25m) Vertical
900 (33cm) Vertical
1.2(23cm) Vertical
Please visit https://W6AER.COM or for more info