Call data Last update: | 2024-07-14 07:42:29 | QTH: | PETROUPOLI CITY | Continent: | EU | Views: | 536 | Main prefix: | SV | Class: | A | Federal state: | EU | Latitude: | 38.0404932 | Longitude: | 23.6908812 | Locator: | KM18UA | DXCC Zone: | 236 | ITU Zone: | 28 | CQ Zone: | 20 |
Most used bands 20m (69%) 10m (31%) 17m (1%) 15m (1%) 12m (1%) Most used modes SSB (98%) RTTY (2%) FM (1%) PSK (1%) CW (1%) QSL dataUp to date! Last update: | 2023-09-20 17:14:45 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | YES | Extra QSL Info: | LOTW, QRZ, E-Qsl , ,QRZCQ . |
| Biography SV1FZZ-TAKIS
Hello my dear radio amateur friends!
I was born in Piraeus in 1967, licensed since 2000 and still love the hobby!
Although my profession is a truck driver and that means fatigue and long hours of work...but I find time for what I like!
I have two favorite places where I go when I can relax, I also use them as a second base! the frequency is so quiet there
who is out of town like your soul..
The first is in Mani Laconia and the second in Messolonghi
one mountain and the other sea... in the second I can say it
it is better because i have a marine ground and the receiver is very quiet... the other sports i like... are hunting and fishing..
The equipment I have is IC-706MKIIG - KENWOOD TS-50 - IC-7300
and an Amplifier for help ..I do my job comfortably ...
patience is a virtue .. the time will come for you to speak ...
the dipoles are for 10m-20m
if it's spread it's fine..
I stopped using paper cards many years ago...
Technology is now becoming electronic…
happy chats 73!
Greetings, we'll see each other on Air 73!
Worked DXCCs: Equipment TX/RX Ic-7300
TX/RX Icom-mk2g
TX/RX Kenwood-ts-50
And dipole antenna 10m-20m for the bands!