My name is José de Jesus Moura Costa (Joe), 59 years old. Born in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil on December 9, 1959. Logistical Analyst. I’m married with Lilian since September, 1984. 2 sons : Lucas (ham radio PU8PYK) (33), Filipe (27) , 1 daugther Maria Luiza (31) and 1 granddaughter Leia Iasmim (5) . I live in Teresina city capital of Piauí state. My city is located at the junction of the rivers Poti and Parnaíba. Teresina occupies an area of 1.672,5 Km² in the middle north of Brazil and ras the following geographic co-ordenates Altitude 72m – Latitude 05º 05’ 21” and Longitude 42º 48’ 07” - habitants 830.500 with a high temperature that varies from 22ºC to 38ºC Ham Radio since 1979.
Callsigns Database by PS8ET:
PS8JJM - The first licence 06/1979 to 08/1984
ZW8ET - 01/10/1987 to 31/12/1987 – Golden Jublee DXCC.
ZW8ET - 20 to 21/05/1989 – Mundial Telecomunication Day
ZW8ET - 01 to 07/07/1991 – Annual Fire Prevention Week
ZW8ET - 26 to 27/10/1991 – CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
ZW8ET - 18 to 21/01/1992 – 3º Anniversary of the BRASIL DX NET
ZW8ET - 24 to 25/10/1992 - CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
ZW8ET - 21 to 24/01/1993 – 4º Anniversary of the BRASIL DX NET
ZW145ET - 09 to 23/08/1997 – 145º Anniversary of the TERESINA City.
ZW8Z - 06 to 07/09/1997 – All Asia DX Contest
ZW8K - 30 to 31/10/1999 - CQ WW DX SSB Contest
PS8ET - 08/1984 to atual.
DX-peditions by PS8ET
PS8ET/p - Santa Isabel Is - IOTA SA 025 - DIB PI 01– on 17/01/1998
PS8ET/p - Santa Isabel Is - IOTA SA 025 - DIB PI 01- DFB PI 03 - on 15/04/2001
PS8ET/p - Conceição Is. - NO IOTA – DIB PI 02 - from 18 to 20/10/2002
DX-peditions by TERESINA DX GROUP (operator)
ZW0X - IOTA SA 025 – DIB PI 01- 21 to 23/april/1995 - Santa Izabel Is.
ZW0C - IOTA SA 072 – DIB MA 03 - 03 to 05/november/1995 - Caju Is.
ZW8CI - IOTA SA 072 – DIB MA 05- 20 to 23/april/2000 - Canárias Is.
ZW8A - IOTA SA 072 – DIB MA 05- 26 to 28/may/2005 - Canárias Is.
ZW8DX - IOTA SA 072 – DIB MA 05- 26 to 28/may/2005 - Canárias Is.
ZW8BBC - IOTA SA 072 - DIB MA 05 - 30/april to 03/may/2009 - Canárias Is.
ZW8B - IOTA SA 025 – DIB PI 01 - 02 to 05/jun/2010 - Santa Izabel Is.
ZW8TS - Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades - WANBP PI 04 - 06 to 09/Oct/2011
My stations consists of the:
Kenwood TS440S HF ( 160 - 10m )
Yaesu FT- 600 HF ( 160 - 10m )
Yaesu FT-1900 VHF (2m)
Yaesu FT 75B (80 - 10m)
Baofeng UV5R VHF/UHF
Baofeng UV6R VHF/UHF
SWL - Radio Crystal Set AM59#01 (D.I.Y.)
SWL - Radio Crystal Set AM61#02 (D.I.Y.)
SWL - Radio Crystal Set AM85#03 (D.I.Y.)
SWL - Radio Crystal Set AM87#04DX - (D.I.Y.)
SWL - Radio Crystal Set AM91#05 (D.I.Y.)
SWL - Imperador CRMIF-91 - Made in Brazil
Yagi Antenna (10-15-20m) and dipole antenna for 40m (up 80m) (D.I.Y.)
J-Pole Anntena for 144MHz (D.I.Y.)
Yagi Antenna 4 element for 144MHz (D.I.Y.)
Yagi/Moxon reduced for satellite 2m/70cm (D.I.Y.)
Yagi/Moxon Sleeve for satellite 2m/70cm (D.I.Y.)
Yagi/Moxon ZBZ+ for satellite 2m/70cm (D.I.Y.)
Yagi (OWA) Cross Polarized for satellite 2m/70cm (D.I.Y.)