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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-05-12 18:45:41 UTC









Active user

activity index: 1 of 5

Frankie Miocinovic


image of m6mio

Call data

Last update:2022-08-10 12:09:10
Main prefix:G
DXCC Zone:223
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

QSL data

Last update:2022-08-10 11:28:00
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Hi and thanks for dropping by my page,

A little about me... I have had a keen interest in radio for many years and I started out as a SW radio listener as a young boy in the 70's, scouring various bands using my father's vintage valve SW radio receiver and a long copper wire strewn down the garden.

Completely hooked by the radio bug, I progressed to 11m AM/SSB then onto UK legal FM/CB radio in 1982 and eventually on to Amateur Radio.

I have a very keen interest in Electronics, Antenna Building, CW and every aspect of long range, low power communication (QRP).

I'm very much interested in SDR Receivers and have quite a few SDR units in the shack.

The radio's I mainly use are a Yaesu FT-950, Yaesu FT-897D, Yaesu FTM-300D and a AT-878UVII Plus DMR.

I also have quite a few vintage rigs knocking around the shack, that are still to this day in excellent working order and condition.

Some of my antenna's consist of:-

A Hustler 5-BTV Vertical, a 2E0ERO 8 band HF Magnet Loop, a Comet GP-3 (Dual Band VHF/UHF Co-Linear) a Royal Discone 2000, a full size G5RV, and also a Watson Multi-Ranger 200. I also have a Diamond 2m, 10 element Yagi and a Diamond 70cm, 15 element Yagi (in vertical configuration) set up in my attic on a rotator and both work really well.

You will usually find me somewhere on Analog 2m/70cm, Wires X Fusion C4FM or DMR. On HF, you will find me somewhere on 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m the Warc Bands or 10m when conditions are really good.

Feel free to drop me an e-mail, or maybe we will have a QSO sometime?

Take care, stay safe & 73's

DX Code Of Conduct

dx code of conduct small logoI support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands.

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