Call data Last update: | 2023-09-15 11:02:32 | QTH: | Sperrebotn | Continent: | EU | Views: | 3319 | Main prefix: | LA | Class: | A | Latitude: | 59.6260160 | Longitude: | 10.4022500 | Locator: | JO59KK | DXCC Zone: | 266 | ITU Zone: | 18 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
Most used bands 20m (23%) 40m (20%) 80m (12%) 10m (10%) 30m (9%) Most used modes FT8 (86%) MFSK (6%) PSK31 (5%) FT4 (3%) PSK63 (3%) QSL data Last update: | 2020-11-15 00:27:13 | Bureau name: | NRRL  | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | YES | QSL Request URL: |, lotw, qrz,… | Extra QSL Info: |, eQSL, QRZ, Lotw, Clublog |
| Biography Welcome to mye site.
I have been interested in radio since the late 70s. I startet with CB radio and was active on 11m many years.
But it was first in 2015 I became a HAM operator.
I operate from my home QTH in Sperrebotn Norway JO59KK.
Worked DXCCs: Equipment Kenwood TS-990S Sold
Kenwood TS 890s
Kenwood TS 590sg
Kenwood TS-590s
Kenwood TS 940s
Kenwood TS-440S
Yaesu FT 857D
Yaesu FT 817ND
Yaesu FT-7900R
Acom 1000
SPE Expert 1K-FA
Palstar AT2K
CG 3000 x2
EQplus by W2IHY
8 Band Audio Equalizer by W2IHY
UR6QW 8 Band EQ
SDRplay SDR receiver
INV L 10 - 160
Spider Beam 18m 10-80
Imax 2000 Vertical
Diamnond X-300