Call data Managed by: | LB8IH | Last update: | 2020-05-02 22:56:43 | Continent: | EU | Views: | 113 | Main prefix: | LA | Latitude: | 61.0000000 | Longitude: | 9.0000000 | DXCC Zone: | 266 | ITU Zone: | 18 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
QSL data QSL information may be out of date or inaccurate! Last update: | 2020-05-02 22:59:20 | eQSL QSL: | no | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | no |
| Biography LA7AWW is a special and memorial callsign for the Oslo group member LA7A Arne Eikrem, who was killed by the nazis on March 18. 1945 - trying to escape from the illegal radio station "Corona".
The Oslo group of Norwegian Radio and Relay League - NRRL, will establish and operate a radio station at "Hansakollen" north of Oslo, where Arne Eikrem was operating from and killed, and run 2-3 QRP-stations on the 75 years Independence Day - the 8th. of May, and the week-end Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th, in 2020.
We will operate mainly on 80m, 40m and 20m bands - with SSB and CW, close to the Centre of Activity frequences for QRP.
You are very welcome to try to contact us:
LA4CIA Lewi, LB1LG Ronny, LB7PI Anett, and LB8IH Fredrik.
QSL-cards for this special event will be distributed. |