hello and welcome to my -... .. ---
I have grown up in Trail Life since I was six years old. I worked my way from a Fox to an Adventurer with many challenges and adventures along the way. Trail Life has been a true blessing and opened many doors in my life. I have learned outdoor skills and built great friendships. I have been challenged to live by the Trailman’s Oath and to Walk Worthy.
One of my trail life elective badges earned as a navigator was communication technology. I studied hard and earned my technician and then general class amateur radio license by age 13. I became active in my local amateur radio club while continuing to attend Trail Life and serve as junior quartermaster and later quartermaster. I started training and encouraging fellow Trailmen to become licensed as well. I then started a Young Hams Net on the local repeater and also started running some Monday night training and information net for Denton County Amateur Radio Association. God used these experiences to open many more doors for my life. I started checking into a Christian net at 14.304mc where we encouraged each other in our walk with GOD. I started becoming more vocal in my faith. With people God put into my Life, I got the opportunity to Volunteer with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. With the USCG I got to set up the comms center and patrolled Lake Lewisville, TX. I also volunteered with the USCG at the Denton County Preparedness Fair.
I was awarded the Hiram Percy Maxim Award for my work with amateur radio, this is a national award given annually by the Amateur Radio Relay League to one young ham a year. In my interview with ARRL I talked about Trail Life and my faith. This has led to my interview being only in video instead of print in the QST magazine. This award also opened up more opportunities for me. I also had the opportunity to teach the Woodlands about amateur radio.
As an Adventurer in Trail Life, I was required to do four freedom experiences. One experience I chose was CERT- Community Emergency Response Team. I completed adult CERT training for Denton County and took this opportunity seriously as a way to serve my community. I have been on several CERT activations. My first two were SARs where certain skills learned in Trail Life came in handy. After my first CERT activation I was invited to join ARES- Amateur Radio Emergency Services who normally only accept adults. On one of my last activations, I was given the opportunity to be the communications operator with USCG Auxiliary Liaison and ARES Commander. God continuously opens doors for me to serve in the community using my amateur radio skills and skills learned in Trail Life.
While an Adventurer, God opened the doors for me to join an archery team where I quickly developed my skills as an Olympic recurve archer. In my first competitive season I won third in state at Texas Field Archery Association State Championship and went on to compete in the National Field Archery Association National Championship and placed fifth in the nation. After nationals I honed my outdoor archery skills where I placed first in American Shooters Association State Championship. At the beginning of my next season my archery shop abruptly closed. This stretched my faith, but I believed God would provide. Within weeks I was offered a position as a staff shooter for Cinnamon Creek Archery Range. With this came many changes including a new coach and new style of shooting. In the long run it turned out to be a huge blessing from God.
I have served in troop leadership as quartermaster, I was in charge of making sure we had all needed supplies for campouts and that the supplies were returned to their proper location. Serving in troop leadership helped me to develop organizational skills and responsibility.
So, in conclusion, my life ambition is just to go where God takes me and to Walk Worthy.
73 de KI5RSV
i earned my freedom award{highest award in Trail Life} on Thu, Jul 18,2024.
have a blessed day
equipment is as follows
HF: Icom IC-7300 into a Ameritron AL-811 amplifier into a cushcraft R-9
Hallicrafters s-38d into cushcraft r-9
Johnson viking ii transmitter hallicrafters SX-43 receiver into cushcraft r-9
Hammerlund hq-129-x
VHF: Yaesu FT-7900 into a 7.7 db gain antenna
Icom 2300h --------
Yaesu FT-1802 -------
Kenwood TR-7400A -------
Genave gtx-200
Genave gtx-200t
Motorola maxtrac coverted for winlink
Icom ic-37a 220 mhz rig into a homebrew antenna
UHF: Yaesu FT-7900 into a 7.7 db gain antenna
Atlas 180 into a homebrew antenna
Kenwood TS-570D into a homebrew antenna
Xiegu x-6100 into a 50w amp into a homebrew antenna