I go by the name Ricky on the radio, I am a Retired Firefighter, I like getting on HF to rag chew, contest and checking in to WAS nets. I am working on EQSL awards so please QSL me there its FREE. On 2m I use the 146.985 in Elizabethtown NC, Delco, NC 145.330 which is linked to St Pauls.NC 439.100 with 100hz tone Hit me up sometime.
My family of hams : Some where around 18 of us, Martin's
W4EJR - The Orginal Martin Ham, My Dad JIM - now a SK 94 - my Elmer and I sure do miss him!
K4YFH - my big brother Jimmy (Extra)
W4URZ - my Sis-in-law Linda (General) SK 2023
KA4STJ - Linda my x-XYL (TECH)
KB4PJY - my Nephew James (TECH)
KF4EHC - my youngest Brother Larry General
KF4ZIY - my Nephew Larry General
W4HKF- my Nephew Jon (his Grandfathers Vanity Call) (TECH)
KG4BOT - Dewey my Brother-in-law SK
W4EJR - my sister Nancy (has Daddy's Vanity Call) (TECH)
AG4BI - my little Brother Norman SK
KG4GMX - my tall Brother Charlie in Yorktown VA (TECH)
N1CKS - my Nephew NICK in Hampton VA. (TECH)
KG4SMS - My Nephew Frank in Lumberton NC (TECH)
KG4SMT - My Great Nephew Thomas somewhere in WA (TECH)
KG4UMS - My Nephew Dane in Winston Salem NC (TECH)
A4STC- 2020 MY 2ND Harmonic Rachael - Sanford, NC (TECH)
KO4CBE - 2020 My Neice Sandra - Tar Heel, NC (TECH)
kO4CMY - 2020 My Son-in-Law - J. Billy Ray- Sanford, NC(TECH)
KO4CMZ- 2020 My 1st HARMONIC - Richard Martin Jr. - TAR HEEL, NC (TECH)
KE0ZWI - 2020 My Niece -MyLinda Serrioz - LEE SUMMIT, MO (TECH)
I qsl mostly on eqsl, The link is --try it. I love the radio I use a Icom 7610, in the shack, back up is a Kenwood ts-2000 I use an Icom Dual Band Mobile for 2m and 440 umm dont know what else to say except I am a old ham see ya on the air.
Ka4 Tough Little Cookie
Worked DXCCs:
rig is ICOM 7300
anytone adt578uvIII plus
baofend / icom
TH 5 Tri Bander @ 23 meters
efLW 134feet. works good
2m and UHF 440up about 20ft on back of garage