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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-05-17 03:05:08 UTC









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Samuel S. Woncheck

Monongahela 15063
United States, PA

united states
image of ka3cfa

Call data

Last update:2016-09-29 19:51:35
QTH:33 miles south of Pittsburgh
Main prefix:K
Federal state:PA
US county:Washington
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:289095

QSL data

Last update:2016-09-29 19:52:05
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


Retired law enforcement. Served 39 years. Still teaching at the local County Police Academy and Community College, evenings. I am the retired Director of the Criminal Justice Associate Degree program at Kaplan Career Institute in Pittsburgh, a small two year private college.

A retired Master Scuba Instructor (NAUI). I've been diving for 45 years, taught diving for 25 years (hobby, part-time). Author of two internationally certified courses in Underwater Crime Scene Processing and Underwater Search, Recovery, and Evidence Preservation for public safety divers.

I am an NRA Police Firearms Instructor, and act as an assistant range safety officer, and instructor at the police academy.

May find me on the air from my cabin in the mountains of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Elk County. My father and I built the place. It took us 27 years to finish.

Love hunting, fly fishing for trout, and scuba diving.


I have two stations. One at my home in Washington County Pennsylvania, 33 miles south of Pittsburgh. Ground elevation there is 1250 ft. above sea level. The other station is in Elk County Pennsylvania at my cottage that my father and I built on the Allegheny Plateau in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Ground elevation there is 1867 ft above sea level.

Home Equipment:
Yaseu FT-920 HF and 6 meters, Icom 746 for VHF, 2 meters and 6 meters. Ameritron AL-1500 amp, Dentron MT 3000a antenna tuner. Old Yaseau FT 301 (1978 vintage)HF and a FT 221 all mode 2 meter rig (1977 vintage)I also have a Kennwood FL922A amp as a backup to the Ameritron.

Cabin Equipment: Yaseu FT-920 HF and 6 meters, Icom 746 for VHF, 2 meters and 6 meters. Ameritron AL-1500 amp, Dentron MT 3000a antenna tuner.

Mosley PRO-57A 7 elements 5 bands-10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meters. On a 40ft tower

Home brew 10 meter vertical on a 40ft tower.

Stacked 13 element boomers for 2 meters FM at 65ft and a single 13 element boomer for 2 meters sideband at 55ft. Both antennas on a 53ft Rohn 25G tower behind the house with a 21ft mast pipe (14ft sticking out of the top)

A Ringo Ranger II on the chimney of the house for 2 meters local

A home brew 6 meter vertical on the roof of the house for local.

A 550ft full wave loop up 65ft in the air for 160 meters. It also covers 75 meters, and 40 meters.

Cabin in Elk County: 550ft full wave loop up 75 to 80ft in the air supported by four trees, fed with 450 ohm ladder line, covers 160, 75, and 40, 15 and 20 meters.

Two towers:
On the 50 foot tower stacked 13 element boomers up at 65ft for 2 meters FM, a single 31 foot boom, 17 element boomer for 2 meters SSB at 52 ft. a single Ringo Ranger II on the side of the cabin for local FM.

On the 40 ft. tower at 52 ft. four element home brew quad for 6 meters, and at 42 ft. is a 3 element home brew 21 foot boom 17 meter beam. Also have an inverted V at 72 feet at the apex for 20 meters.


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