Retired MKC U.S. Coast Guard (1976-1997).
Retired Maintenance Mechanic III College of the Redwoods.
First licensed in 2013 as Technician,2017 General class, and in 2019 Amateur Extra Class.
I'm mostly on HF looking for that next contact. I'm not a contester just a casual DX'er.
I do NOT do any Digital with the exception of Echolink.
I'm still and always will be fascinated with radio RF. I got into radio (CB) in the 70's, and really became interested in HF while in the military where I used radios every day as routine.
Hope to hear you on the bands. Please confirm our QSO in QRZ.COM or LoTW.
73 DE Tom K4MOE
Icom 7610
Icom 7300 (Back up)
Icom 7000 (mobile)
Yaesu 2900R
Acom 1000 Amplifier "The Tank"
Ameritron AL-811H Amplifier w/ 572 B Valves (backup)
Palstar AT2K Tuner
MFJ 962D Tuner (backup)
MFJ 998R ATU (not in service)
Tunematic II (mobile)
43ft Zero Five 10-80M verticle GP Antenna
132 ft EFHW Antenna @ 35 ft (inverted V)
Comet GP9 2M/440 VHF/UHF
Tarheel 100A HP (mobile)