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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-02-16 22:08:58 UTC









Active user

activity index: 0 of 5

Kevin Olson

Clinton 64735
United States, MO

united states
image of k0kdo

Call data

Last update:2022-05-22 12:50:57
Main prefix:K
Federal state:MO
US county:Henry
DXCC Zone:291
ITU Zone:8
CQ Zone:5
ULS record:3090222

QSL data

Last update:2017-03-29 01:54:55
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Hello from Tightwad,Missouri.

I run a IC-7300 and a IC-9700 along with a AL-811h and a AL-800h amps, with a Dentron turner MT-3000A and a CN-901 meter. I have 2 remote switch boxes outside, one is full and the other has 2 antennas on it for now (hi hi).

On the HF side I have all dipole antennas 160m - 10m. yepper 10 wires in the air. 6m I build 2 squalo loops and cophased the together. I have a 5 element 10 beam i need to put up. Also i need to rebuild a mosley three element beam too. I think its a TA-33 but not sure. I have a Butternut vertical to put up also. I have fun with antennas. Thinking of a hex beam also some day. something else to play with.

On the UHF and VHF I run full duplex. On the 2m side I have a Migage/KLM B-3030-G amp. Each band has its own antenna system. 2 verticals one for UHF and one for VHF. 2m beam is horizontal for SSB. 70cm i have a beam that vertical, but i may make it horizonal, I have a horizonal beam for 23cm also. I have a 2m beam in the garage i will put up sometime that will go vertical.

Looking also to put up are 2 eggbeater antennas 2m & 70cm for satellite work.

Been thinking of a couple inverted Ls or some more dipole for the lower part of some of the bands. That way I will not have to use a tuner and get full potenial out of the radio and antennas.

If I got the radio equipment I might as well put them to there full potenial. There here not to look at, but to use. It may take me a bit to do it, but it will be fun to do. Its a hobby. I have been playing with some digital also, SSTV,WSJX and JS8CALL.

Im retired now so I have time to play. Until it gets good weather. then its time to take care of yards. Being by myself now, I sometimes do not know witch way to go. Im starting a new life and a lonely one. I do not know morse code. But iI can ues programs to help with that.

I lose my wife in June 2020, but Im leaving her call sign on the card. she love talking on the radios.too. She was a big part of me and the radio station here.

Be safe and have fun out there.




PS I need to take a new picture of all the wire i have up.


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