Makoto Taromaru got amateur radio licenses of Class-4 in 1975. Since he established his ham radio station JH6VJM, he had been active on six meter band by FM, AM, and CW with his rig RJX-601 made by Panasonic, which is 3 watts output portable one.
He was a member of:
JA6YUM, Fukuoka-city Boys and Girls Culture Center ARC, 1976—1981,
JA6YAY, Fukuoka High School ARC, 1978—1981,
and now he is the head of
JA6YCU, Fukuoka University Radio Club.
He is a member of JARL, IEEE, and a fellow of IEICE: The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communications Engineers.
Rig: FTDX-10 for HF & 6m, FT-991A for VHF & 430MHz, FT-891/VX-8 for mobile.
Ant: 5 element Yagi-Uda and Half wavelength whip for 6m, Folded dipole for 10m, Vertical or Long wire for the other HF bands.