My address for QSL direct is:
Francisco "Siso" Hennessey
POBOX 527668
Miami, FL 33152
Hello. Thank you for looking up my information and contacting me.
I live in Bogotá, Colombia. My radio station is 45 Km north of my home in a rural QTH, in the municipality of Sopó, in the Cundinamarca department. (To view the location you can enter: “HK3W Shack" in Google Earth). Since I'm transmitting from a rural area I don't have a stable fixed internet connection so I use my cell phone to upload contacts to LoTW and Clublog and to browse web pages and download mail.
If you don't see our QSO in LoTW and Clublog the same day of the contact you will have to wait for me a bit to update everything.
FT4 and FT8 Operation: Please call me with you GRID and If you do not receive " RR73 ", that means the contact was not completed and was not saved in the log.
As we know the mail service is not working as it should and for that reason, I have a USA address which is in Miami and where I get all my QSL cards.
Direct and LoTW ONLY.
QSL News!
The Bureau service in Colombia ceased to exist several years ago, so we cannot receive and send your qsls, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY.
I will only upload my QSOs to LoTW and to Clublog.
A QSL is NOT merchandise for sale, but the final courtesy of a QSO; To get my QSL Direct you just pay for the postage. (They are sent from the US Mail).
I will ONLY answer QSL’s for my calls (5K3W, 5K3W/M, HJ3SGP (91 to 92), HK3SGP, HK3W/M and, HK3W) that are requested directly TWO DOLLARS (U$2.oo).
I will not manage QSL’s of any other stations. Only mine.
*QSL without or insufficient postage will be ignored Digital QSL Cards via E-Mail will also be ignored, I will not answer them.*
100% QSL Clublog and LoTW the same day of QSO.
What's the reason for delaying your upload to LoTW? There are many people waiting for your confirmation.
You can also call me or text (+57) 311 812 2681 or