I was first licensed in 1974 with the class B (VHF and up) call G8ILO. I upgraded to class A (all bands) in 1979, when I became G4ILO.
My interest in radio goes back many years before I was first licensed. My late father was a hi-fi enthusiast in the 1960s when the cheapest way to get a stereo amplifier was to build it yourself. As a child, I was fascinated by this equipment - the glass tubes with their strange internal construction, the small resistors with their coloured bands - and this sparked my interest. For years I built radios and listened on the short wave bands, never having any particular desire to go on the air myself. I still spend more of my radio time tinkering or listening than operating.
My radio station is 100% Stealth. I have no visible amateur radio antennas at my QTH.
I am often on the air during weekday afternoons. I like digital modes and often use PSK31, JT65A and WSPR. I am interested in Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) and run a receive only 2m gateway most of the time.
I like hand-held radios and enjoy going out for a walk with one in the local hills. I started an Adventure Radio scheme called Wainwrights On The Air to encourage more radio activity from the hills of the English Lake District.
I'm not a DXer or an active contester though if I can spare the time I do like to come on for a few hours in some of the CW contests to give away some points. It's fun to see how far I can work and it's nice for a change to be able to join in a worldwide event.
In June 2011 I learned that I had an incurable brain tumour.
Worked DXCCs:
Elecraft K2/10
Elecraft K3/100
Elecraft KX3
Yaesu FT-817
Kenwood TM-D710
Many hand-held rigs covering 12m to 70cm