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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-02-10 03:33:56 UTC









Active user

activity index: 1 of 5

Peter Day


image of g3pho

Call data

Last update:2021-04-04 20:33:51
Main prefix:G
DXCC Zone:223
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL data

Last update:2016-04-04 09:00:17
Bureau QSL:YES
Direct QSL:YES


Licensed 12 September 1961 after 8 years as an SWL. Joined Sheffield Amateur Radio Club around 1958 and was second op (logger) for their contests until I got my callsign when I became one of the operators (all cw in those days!). I retired from 34 years of high school teaching (Geography) in 1994 and am now enjoying amateur radio more than ever! Major interests include the microwave bands above 1GHz, home construction, antennas and contesting. I have equipment for all bands (except 2.3GHz) to 47GHz and beyond, to lightwaves), and am primarily a /portable operator on the microwave bands. Most of this equipment is home made. Fortunately I have lots of test equipment to help me align the microwave gear and keep it working after rough handling in the field. In early 2008, I assembled a beacon (GB3KEU) for the 5.7GHz band. It became QRV from our local club station location in IO93GH during April 2008. Its frequency is 5760.925MHz. Sometimes I operate on 144 and 432MHz,especially if there is a tropo or auroral opening:-). I have only 50 watts into single yagis on these two bands. At home I have an HF station with gear (FT5000MP + Acom 1010 linear amp) and antennas for 80m through to 10, with 400W available on each band. My main antenna is a Cushcraft A3S triband beam for 10,15 and 20m,with a 100 foot centre fed doublet for the other bands. On 50MHz I run 200W to a homemade 3 element yagi at 34 ft agl. In the past few of years,I have renewed my interest in HF DXing and contesting and have spent weekends operating as MM3M with the Sheffield Amateur Radio Club during their IOTA expedition to Arran (IOTA Eu 123) or as G2AS/P in SSB and VHF Field Days. I particularly enjoy 80m and 40m DXing on CW. My all time country total is 331,with 324 of them being on 20m.

In 2011 I went on a solo DXpedition to the British Virgin Islands as VP2V/G3PHO from 10-20 March in order to enter the RSGB Commonwealth Contest over the weekend of the 12-13th March. I amazed myself by reaching 3rd place in the Restricted Section and was part of the winning Team (Rest of the World).

In March 2012 I entered the same contest again, this time from Gozo, Malta, as 9H3C and reached 2nd place in the Restricted Section.

From 2003-2006 inclusive, I was chairman of the UK Microwave Group ( and I also edited their monthly newsletter “Scatterpoint” to May 2011 when I retired from that post after 26 years in the editor’s chair. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in amateur microwave radio, anywhere in the world.

I was Chairman of Sheffield Amateur Radio Club from October 2008 to March 2011. Due to the intolerable behaviour of the person who succeeded me as chairman of SARC in 2011 I felt I had to leave the club (which I had been a member of for 56 years) at the end of 2013. I eventually joined the Sheffield & District Society which had been formed by three other ex-SARC members in October 2013. This is a thriving group with over 120 members and is doing particularly well in the RSGB club contests at VHF/UHF and LF. Presently (April 2016) I am it's Secretary.

From 1966-68 I was ZL2BDA in Gisborne,NZ,and ZL2LA near Wellington, NZ, from 1975-80.

Worked DXCCs:


HF: FT-5000MP, FT-950, FT-847, FT-817, IC-706MK2G, IC7300
AMPLIFIER: Acom 1010 --- 400 watts output 1.8MHz to 28MHz
VHF/UHF: IC9700, FT-847 (2m & 70cm)& IC706Mk2G

MICROWAVES: Homebrew transverters for 1296MHz(20 WATTS), 3.4GHz(16W), 5.7GHz(12W, 10GHz(5W), 24GHz(2W), 47GHz(22mW), Visible Red Light 470THz(300mW).

DATAMODES: MicroHAM Micro keyer Mk II for all data modes: RTTY, PSK, JT, SSTV, WSPR, WSJT-X

204 foot centre fed doublet at 30 feet for all bands 160-10m
Separate wire dipoles for 80, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10m .. all at 30ft
Quarter wave vertical, with two elevated radials, for 40m
Quarter wave vertical with three elevated radials for 20m

50MHz & 70MHz: Innovantennas 4+4 50/70MHz dual band yagi
144MHz: 9 element tonna Yagi at 12m above ground.
432MHz: 18 element yagi @ 13m above ground

Microwave Antennas (all used in portable conditions):
1.2m prime focus dish for 3.4, 5.7 & 10GHz
60cm offset dish for 24GHz
48cm offset dish for 47GHz
35 element yagi for 1296MHz

TEST EQUIPMENT: Extensive array of test gear including HP141T and HP182T spectrum analysers to 24GHz. Power meters to 24GHz. Frequency counter to 2.6GHz, RF millivoltmeter, Signal generator, Function generator, etc etc.


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