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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-05-21 02:29:33 UTC









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Richard Parkins


image of g0gga

Call data

Last update:2023-11-22 19:08:40
Main prefix:G
DXCC Zone:223
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

QSL data

Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


First licensed as G1MLX (Class B) in Feb 1985.
Morse test Autumn 1986, then as G0GGA (Class A) Dec 1986
Always planned to use the key. It lasted about two weeks :-(
My license remained active, but I talked the talk rather than walked the walk for years (family / work / etc)…

Got back into radio around 2016, and have brought my Morse back up to speed (long commute to work yelling at my Bluetooth connected car radio), and while still not brilliant, its coming, and I hope to do some SOTA/POTA soon.

I’ve had Valves in my junk box since before I was licensed, and always planned to build something with them. Before I was licensed I spent long hours reading through old Valve era books, lusting over the thermionic glow of a bygone age. So in the winter of 2018/19, with my new found interest in all things retro and CW, I decided to build a QRP valve TX to get me started. I settled on this three valve TX (From PW Feb 1994). I liked the design as its a bit over the top for 4w CW, but it is “robust” and not pushed….

However.... Since then I've tried a few other designs. And the latest is built around a Chinese inverter for the 260V / -100V HT and a series regulator from the 12V to derive my 6.3V LT. So the whole thing runs from a 12V supply.... Valve /P now possible ;-)

The version pictured is a simple MOPA using the ECL82...

The plan was to make it cover at least 80, 60 and 40m. Just by changing the tank circuit tap and the xtal. However, no matter how hard I tried I could not get it as stable as I would of liked on any other band than 80m.

So.... At the time of writing this chassis is being reused for a MOPA with a 6AG5 Osc and a 2E26 PA (based on a CIA spy TX called an RT-6). Still a work in progress.

If you hear me over the GQRP Valve Weekend (16/17th July 22) give me a call. My Morse may be a bit scratchy, but be assured, I’m working on it ;-)

73 Rich G0GGA (GQRP 4334)

Other images

second pic
G0GGA / Pic 2

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