I have my license since 1982 and I worked for my own during 35 years to repare and install TV antennas dishes HI FI system.
Now retired since 2009 and live along the sea side and like to walk on long sandy beaches every day whith my wife and my dog Ela (white fox dog)I like also scuba diving Red sea and Carabean.
I like to work on first in VHF 2 meters and 6, 70 cms, 23cms
In HF I like to work on 10 meters SSB and also on different bands in digital
On 2 meters :Icom 910H PA Dressler d200+low noise preamp 9 elements long Yagi Pro XL made by Tonna antenna
On 70cm Icom 910 + 9 elements antenna + masted low noise preamp + PA 120watts
On 23cm Icom 910H + 2 antennas 23 el side by side + masted low noise préamp + masted amplifier 35watts
QRV since one year on 13cm with tranverter SG LAB 13 to 70cm + LNA/ PA made SG LAB and antenna 40 elements WIMO
On 80 meters 7300 * fl2100 working with wire antenna tuned on 3603 khz QSO every morning on this frequency.
for 10 meters :IC7300 + FL 2100 + FC902 + Home made HB9CV Antenna
On 6 meters QRV digital and SSB with Icom 706MKIIG