Call data Last update: | 2019-12-27 15:43:50 | Continent: | EU | Views: | 1347 | Main prefix: | F | Latitude: | 47.3235633 | Longitude: | 1.6635436 | Locator: | JN07TH | DXCC Zone: | 227 | ITU Zone: | 27 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
Most used bands 160m (86%) 630m (8%) 20m (2%) 80m (1%) 15m (1%) Most used modes WSPR (100%) JT65 (1%) PSK31 (1%) QSL data Last update: | 2014-10-25 12:27:30 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | no |
| Biography Hi,
My name is Patrick and i am an ham bands listener.
My station is modest and i do my best to listen to and put in my log callsign of distant station, adventurer in dx-pedition or rare IOTA.
My current confirmed DXCC score is #328, my confirmed IOTA #867 and i received the OCEANIA DX 2018 (2017-2016-2015-2014-2013-2012-2011) Contest SWL Continent Award and the Diamond Certificate of the IOTA Marathon (1st place World swl chaser):
Antenna system : 2x Wellbrook ALA100 (active vertical wire loop) at right angle, bearing N/S and W/E. In use from oct 2015, new ALA100, LN version:
Really thanks to all for your contribution to my hobby and special mention to VE3LYC (Cezar), K6VVA (Rick), VK5CE (Craig), F4BKV (Vincent), K8GI (Rick), JJ8DEN (Yoshi), YB3MM(Bimbo), I1-12387(Dan), VK2KRR(Leigh), G8DYK(John).
Best 73,
Patrick, F-59706, email->
Clipperton DX Club member #1400
Worked DXCCs: |