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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2025-01-20 14:26:00 UTC









Active premium user

activity index: 5 of 5


France, Isere

image of f4bjn

Call data

Last update:2024-05-05 17:26:46
QTH:LA TOUR DU PIN - between Lyon and Grenoble
Main prefix:F
Federal state:Isere
DXCC Zone:227
ITU Zone:27
CQ Zone:14

Most used bands


Most used modes


QSL dataUp to date!

Last update:2024-03-23 06:31:22
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:YES


I practice the radio, since 1985, but hamradio since 1992.
I made a long pause but now I am back...

2024/05/05 update

Je viens de me faire un petit plaisir et j'ai terriblement envie de partager ça avec vous.
Voila plusieurs moi que je réfléchi à m'offrir un appareil multiband multimode ... et je parcours les annonces et forums afin de trouver celui qui me tendra les bras et me demandera de le prendre ... et j'ai enfin trouvé ...
Il y a plusieurs années, je m'étais offert le IC706, que j'ai très peu utilisé pour des raisons familiales et que j'ai finalement revendu pour pouvoir acheter un lave linge ... eh oui ... parfois il faut faire des sacrifices...Le peu de temps ou j'ai pu utiliser cet appareil, il m'a laissé un souvenir incroyable bien qu'à l'époque ma licence me permettait trafiquer seulement sur les VHF...
Aujourd'hui ce n'est pas un 706 que je me suis offert, mais un IC7000 avec son AT-7000... une nouvelle page de mon expérience radioamateur s'ouvre ...
Pour la premiere fois je vais pouvoir trafiquer en 6m des que la bande sera ouverte ...ou en locale si il y a du monde ...
Apres avoir bien pris mon temps pour l'installer, j'ai branché l'interface pour le tester en ft8 et en peu de temps, premiers QSO sur 17m puis sur 30m ...
A bientôt un peu partout ...
I've just treated myself to a little treat and I really want to share it with you.
I've been thinking about getting a multiband multimode device for several months now ... and I've been scouring the ads and forums to find the one that will reach out to me and ask me to take it ... and I've finally found it ...
Several years ago, I bought myself the IC706, which I used very little for family reasons and which I finally sold to be able to buy a washing machine ... yes ... Sometimes you have to make sacrifices... The little time I was able to use this device, it left me with incredible memories, even though at the time my licence only allowed me to operate on VHF...
Today it's not a 706 that I've bought myself, but an IC7000 with its AT-7000... a new page in my amateur radio experience is opening up...
For the first time I'll be able to operate in 6m as soon as the band is open ... or locally if it's busy ...
After taking my time to install it, I plugged in the interface to test it in ft8 and in no time, first QSOs on 17m then on 30m ...
See you soon ...

2023/02/19 update

Je viens de construire une galerie ou j'expose mes qsl reçues.
Si nous nous sommes déjà contactés, Venez me rendre visite et essayez de retrouver la votre si vous m'en avez envoyé ...

I have just built a gallery where I exhibit my receipts QSL.
If we have already made contact, Come visit me and try to find yours if you have sent me ...

2022/09/09 update

Je suis à la recherche d'un cable cat system pour mon ft757gx, si jamais vous avez ça dans un coin de votre shack contactez moi ....
Ou alors, si vous saverz comment en fabriquer un, je suis preneur également de toute information ...
I am looking for a cat system cable for my ft757gx, if you ever have this in the corner of your shack contact me ....
Or if you know how to make one, I'm also interested in any information ...


2022/06/04 update

Today is a special day.
Indeed, I just bought myself a very special transceiver.
In the 80's, when I didn't have my ham license yet, I was working on 11m with a president jackson, until my father gave me my first decameter, the yaesu ft 757 gx...
A few years later, for obscure reasons that only my brain has the secret, I separated from my ft ...
One day I passed my license then I had the right to operate on the hf bands but it was necessary for other reasons that I stop my amateur radio activities...
Today, after more than one year trying to come back with the means of the edge, I offered myself ... attention suspense ... a ft 757 gx ... yes...
I can finally go elsewhere than on the 10 and 12 m and what a pleasure to make this return to the sources with this device that I loved so much ...
Of course it is not mine ... but it will replace it well ...


73 and see you soon on the air...

Worked DXCCs:


Transceiver :
Icom IC7000
Yaesu FT757 GX
CRT SS 9900 for the 10m and 12m
CRT Micron for VHF/UHF mobile and fixe

Antenna :
Long wire that crosses my garden :-) while waiting to be able to make better...
Diamond X200 for vhf/uhf

Other :
Manual tuner Yaesu FC-700
Automatic tuner ATU-100
Autoatic tuner AT-7000
Signalink USB

QRZCQ Awards

DXCC 150
ITU 60
CQ 40
IOTA 300

Other images

other pic
F4BJN / my joyful mess

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