I got in contact with Ham Radio almost "by accident", reading a press note in a local newspaper in 1975 in Camaguey, Cuba, my country of origin, about a CW course that was going to begin in the Local Amateur Radio Club, and "Miss Curiosity"took me there.
My first visit to the Radio Club was very interesting, opening me the door of this great hobby. Since then, learning CW, and reading ALL I could get about radio, introducing myself in this new world I had just discovered. With the help of very enthusiast people I found there, and a lot of help I found in that process.This contact with Ham Radio also showed me the way to my professional future.
"Only" 2 years later, in 1977 were celebrated the next exams to get Radio Amateur licences, that I passed.
I got my first licence with the call CM2QP in Havana in 1980. In 1982 I got the First Class licence, with the call CO2QP, afterwards I returned to Camaguey with the callsign CO7QP.
In 1995 I moved to Spain, and in 1996 I got my current Spanish First Class licence with the callsign EA7AQV.
After my proffessional retirement, I moved to Castell de Ferro, a beautiful coastal village in the Spanish "Tropical Coast", where I enjoy Ham Radio, as I did in all the places I have lived, with the advantage of having much more time available...
I like experimenting with wire antennas and RF circuits. I operate CW (almost 100 % lately), SSB and Digimodes (sorry, no FT8). I love "DX catching", but ragchewing is also very nice.
HPE to meet you in the bands! 73
Worked DXCCs:
As you can see, it is a simple station, with a temporary multiband wire antenna in this momment:
ANTENNA: Sloping OCF dipole (10,15 m long), fed with 300 Ohms twinlead at the 36% of its length
AMU: ICOM AH-4 with RF Chokes connected to all its Inputs and Outputs to avoid CMC problems.
PC: Lenovo 510S/Windows 10
S.W: MixW3.2.105 for Digimodes and Logging.