Call data Last update: | 2023-12-16 19:08:47 | QTH: | Orasje | Continent: | EU | Views: | 493 | Main prefix: | E7 | Class: | CEPT 1 | Federal state: | Bosnia&Hercegovina | Latitude: | 45.0309414 | Longitude: | 18.6988650 | Locator: | JN95IA | DXCC Zone: | 501 | ITU Zone: | 28 | CQ Zone: | 15 | Website: | |
Most used bands 20m (100%) 40m (1%) 70cm (1%) Most used modes MFSK (51%) FT8 (50%) SSB (1%) FT800 (1%) FM (1%) QSL data Last update: | 2022-09-30 22:19:39 | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | no |
| Biography People love each other !
Life is too short ...
My name is Husein. My QTH is Orasje (JN95IA), a beautiful small town on the Sava coast in beautiful Posavina,North Bosnia&Hercegovina. Amateur radio is more than a hobby for me, I learn something new every day. I mostly work on the UHF and VHF ranges ,20 meters SSB,Ft8,Ft4...I also experiment 6 meters . Lately, I've been very interested in communication through svx links. I own one E75HZ_L (ORP). The link runs on UHF , 433.425 MHz,5 watt,Motorola gm350 JPole antenna and is powered by the OpenRepeater architecture ( ) with a custom svx link. THANK YOU Aaron N3MBH
The link is currently networked with 12 more identical links with a tendency to expand at the request of each amateur radio. It also contains the FRN module and EchoLink and is visible in the EchoLink network.
Worked DXCCs: |