My Name is Joachim (Jo). Im born in 1957. Licenced in August 1978 first Call DG1OD, changed to my present Callsign DL6ON in May 1979.
After many years with inddor antennas I moved to a new QTH with great garden.
I am Member of:
DOK: Z84 (VFDB Celle) mainly
DOK: H05 (DARC Celle) sometimes in contest
DIG: #3622, AGCW #2918.
I am the operator in Radio Club stations:
DL0FTP DOK: FUBZ (since 1st Aug. 2015)
DF0Z DOK: DVZ (closed 30th June 2015)
I am a big fan of CW, DX-ing and contest!
QSL Informations:
E-QSL(AG), Club Log and LOTW will be sent for every QSO and are very welcome!, electronic cards update rate is after every activity.
due the increasing number of QSL-Cards i changed my QSL-Policy since 1. Jan 2012, i will not longer send automatic paper cards, but i will reply to every ingoing card.
I will continue with uploading my cards to E-QSL and LOTW for every QSO.
SWL Listeners: QSL welcome, 100% reply via, direct, bureau.
If you have sent your QSL card and you did not receive my qsl card in an appropriate time frame please contact me via E-Mail.
cu on the band
vy 73 d Joachim (Jo)
Kenwood TS-590S DSP and Icom IC-706MKIIG, ACOM Amplifiere 1010
Antenna: 54m endfeeded LW with smart tuner.
GP: hy gain AV-640 (10m - 40m)
QRV 6m - 160m, CW, SSB,PSK, RTTY and FT8
X50N Vertical for 2m/70cm