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Call data Last update: | 2024-03-08 13:19:12 | QTH: | WHV | Continent: | EU | Premium: | YES | Views: | 2060 | Main prefix: | DL | Class: | A | Latitude: | 53.5165460 | Longitude: | 8.1055140 | Locator: | JO43BM | DXCC Zone: | 230 | ITU Zone: | 28 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
Most used bands 40m (31%) 80m (25%) 20m (17%) 15m (8%) 30m (8%) Most used modes LSB (49%) USB (19%) CW (17%) RTTY (8%) PSK31 (7%) QSL dataUp to date! Last update: | 2024-01-27 19:21:09 | German DOK: | I16: Nordsee Wilhelmshaven | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | no | Extra QSL Info: | OQRS via Club Log |
| Biography History....DE1JLF - 01/1979...
............DG3AN - 1981-1997
...........DH3JHA - 1997-2002
.............DL1AB - 2003-....
Since 01/2016 I'm retired and so, after 40 Years out and about in HAM RADIO Business (DL and HB9), I'm back in Wilhelmshaven.......and let the good times roll !!
If you hear me (weak) - because of my limited antenna situation - on HF from (40m) 30m to 10m mostly in CW, but also in RTTY and/or FELDHELL, please be patient and try again.
Stay tuned, enjoy to meet (old and new) friends and keep calm ! - it's only a (beautiful) hobby !! Worked DXCCs: Equipment Icom IC-7600
HI-MOUND MK-706 CW Dual Paddle
KeySonic nano-USB-Keyboard for RTTY and / or FELDHELL
Icom HP-2 Headphone
Icom SM-50 Desktop Microphon (very rare used)
TenTec Argonaut V - my Backup Trcv
ETM-8C (Samson) - my Backup Key
Antenna:.......2 x 6.5m Indoor "Hille" Dipole - suffer of "No-Outside-Permission"
Tuner:..........Palstar AT-AUTO - for symetric antennas (my setup) + also for Coax
Member of: AGCW #3780 - DIG #0202 - SKCC #19808 - SOC #1214 - 30MDG #2698
QRZCQ Awards DXCC 250 ITU 60 CQ 40 IOTA 250 |
DX Code Of Conduct | I support the "DX Code Of Conduct" to help to work with each other and not each against the others on the bands. |
Other images |
DL1AB / ...freedom and peace to the ukrainian people |
DL1AB / TRX with huge performance, easy to handle | DL1AB / best Tuner ever, I use on my short sym. Dipol | DL1AB / 40 years old - a good pennyworth |
DL1AB / Worked all Continents 10 MHz CW | DL1AB / DIG Trophy - 06/2021 | DL1AB / European Prefixes Award CW |
DL1AB / my Backup - TenTec Argonaut V, 25 W | DL1AB / ETM8C CW memory key, still working fine | DL1AB / long ago, my 1st. KW-TRX, 5 Band, 50 W |
DL1AB / 30 Years of DIG - CW | DL1AB / DIG CW-Plaque #1162 | DL1AB / DIG Award 77 - CW |