Call data Last update: | 2024-12-04 15:52:27 | Continent: | EU | Views: | 41 | Main prefix: | DL | Class: | A | Federal state: | Schleswig-Holstein | Latitude: | 54.7770000 | Longitude: | 8.8303000 | Locator: | JO44JS | DXCC Zone: | 230 | ITU Zone: | 28 | CQ Zone: | 14 |
QSL dataUp to date! Last update: | 2024-11-23 09:18:37 | German DOK: | M04: Schleswig-Holstein Husum | eQSL QSL: | YES | Bureau QSL: | YES | Direct QSL: | no | LoTW QSL: | no |
| Biography Hallo, mein Name ist Dirk und lebe in Niebüll, nähe der schönen Nordseeküste im Norden von Schleswig-Holstein.
Meine Lizenz habe ich 1991 gemacht. Nach über 30 jähriger Funk-Pause, will ich nun wieder ins Hobby Amateurfunk einsteigen.
Hello, my Name is Dirk and I live in Niebüll, near the beautiful North Sea coast in the north of Schleswig-Holstein.
I got my license in 1991. After a break from radio for over 30 years, I now want to get back into the amateur radio hobby.
Locator QTH: JO44js
DARC - DOK: M04 |