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home QRZCQ - The database for radio hams 
2024-10-25 21:03:06 UTC









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M.H.Abdullah AlBlooshi, nick Name "Abdullah"

4799 Sharjah Three Base Stations Abu Dhabi Ajman and Manama
United Arab Emirates

united arab emirates
image of a61q

Call data

Last update:2012-11-13 18:07:28
QTH:Ajman, Falah, Manama
Main prefix:A6
Class:Extra Class
DXCC Zone:391
ITU Zone:21
CQ Zone:39

QSL data

Last update:2012-11-05 14:47:16
Direct Manager:EA7FTR
Bureau QSL:no
Direct QSL:no


Hello and thank you for looking up the profile of A61Q and A45RR
I was first licensed in 1960, holding the Extra class A, callsign (2AL) MP4TAL at the age of 13 I'm a Telecommunications Engineer Colonel from Armed Forces Royal Signals Corps and EX Trucial Oman Scouts Signal Officer, from lots of places around the world. I'm active on Multi Bands, my both three base stations Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Manama working Rig Is YAESU FT-1000MP MARK-V, Antenna OptiBeam OB18-6, I enjoy working CW/QRQ, I'm straight keyer, also part taken in SSB,RTTY,PSK31 & EME. EME antenna Is 4X15H/1KW I'm on Echo link sometime, on mobile A61Q/M and almost east cost close to the Sea,the mobile Rig is TS-480HX 200w, mobile using five types of antennas Scorpion, Little Tar heel, YAESU Atas-120, portable antenna TW2010 and home made Dipole 160-6m It's all works perfect and my favorite bands are 30,40,80,and 160m.

Guys, usually I work my way simplex, to avoid confusion, a few hints to make our life Easier and our hobby or we called it Obsession More fun and effortless (i.e. some DX rules according to DX Code of Conduct):

to know what is "QRX" means! before asking "?" iMi or" call ?" LISTEN, LISTEN. I send my call after Each QSO. If your PC cannot read my call turn off your PC, learn CW and use ears and hand. So I Can't heard you when I am transmitting wait the end of QSO before calling please Avoid Dupes (i.e. same hour/QRG/mode), I repeat your Call and mine to confirm at the end of each QSO. So you can correct an error before logging QSO. I Update the log on line almost every 2 days, check your QSOs.

If a specific country or continent is called, don't call if you are not there! for those who Have trouble Understanding it, DON'T CALL From EUROPE if I Call JA or NA or USA And Asia etc. MORE DISCIPLINE=MORE STATIONS WORKED.

In fine you like DX, me too. so let me Enjoy DXing. to all my friends a greeting from United Arab Emirates. De A61Q M.H.Abdullah.
you can call me abu Mousa.

"lets Say Something About Amateur Radio. Been a Ham for over 52 years and have enjoyed every minute. I must say, I have met some of the most wonderful friends in this world via Ham Radio".

The author at work.
The ham spirit from hobby to contests
Like any organization, radio amateurs represent a community of individuals, with this small plus of sharing a common interest for radioelectricity and telecommunications by shortwaves. We all belong to the ham community respectful of the ham spirit.
Theoretically one think that people belonging to the high society or having an excellent education should be more clever than others, better prepared also to critical situations, more experimented, more diplomatist, etc. But I have to temper your feeling. Because as individual, whatever our social position, we are not different from the other people, we are males or females with our qualities and our failings, our concerns and hopes. And this is for all these reasons that sometimes the ham spirit is debased on the air.
Indeed, any psychiatrist will tell you that our private life is not much different from our public one. At a level or another we try to reproduce everywhere our own behaviours, to place our marks, etc. These are means of protection and a way to give a sense of security to our actions, all the more when they are opposite to the established rules, with all side effects that such attitudes can produce. Therefore from time to time we are face to selfish people who lack of the most elementary fair play.

The Amateur's code
Instead of discussing about the psychology of the amateur radio, let's see what is the historical definition of the ham spirit and the few usual cases - unfortunately becoming too numerous - in which it is no more respected.

The Amateur's Code
The Radio Amateur is:
Considerate.never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
Loyal. offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, and his or her national radio amateur association.
Progressive. with knowkedge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach.
Friendly. slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interest of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.
Balanced. radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school, or community.
Patriotic. station and skill always ready for service to country and community.
Written by Paul M.Segal, W9EEA, in 1928.


Abu Dhabi Alfaleh. Radio YAESU Mark-v and the antenna Yagi 3 Element SteppIR + Home Made Dipole.
Ajman. Radio Yaesu FT-2000 and The Antenna Yagi OptiBeam OB18-6.
Manama.Radio Yaesu FT-2000 and The Antenna Yagi 3 Element SteppIR + Home Made Dipole.

Other images

second pic
A61Q / Pic 2

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