Call data Continent: | AS | Views: | 434 | Main prefix: | 1S | Latitude: | 10.8327531 | Longitude: | 115.8673537 | Locator: | OK70WT | IOTA: | AS-051 | DXCC Zone: | 247 | ITU Zone: | 50 | CQ Zone: | 26 |
QSL data QSL information may be out of date or inaccurate! Direct Manager: | DF8AN | eQSL QSL: | no | Bureau QSL: | no | Direct QSL: | YES | LoTW QSL: | YES |
| Biography “It was many many years ago…I was a young licenced operator and I sit at my old Kenwood TS520SE tubes-radio in april 1983… looking for the announced german Spratly DXPedition, which ended in a tragedy just before they reached Spratly…
swallow-reefI had to wait many years more, until I got my first contact with Spratly: it was a group of famous, well knowed radioamateurs and they activated 9M0S in Summer 1993. It was a time without DXclusters or digital communication. At that time, I was sitting on the radio every day: looking through the bands, looking for a 9M0S contact. I was so glad to reach them – not on 9 bands – but: I got a SSB and a CW contact and showed their QSL card weeks later to my local ham friends. It was a time, when you receive your DX QSL even via the bureau. A time without Paypal or OQRS….and I hoped, to be there once in my life. At Spratly: in the middle of the south chinese sea.
Today I am proud to inform the DX-community: I received a permission and licence from the malaysian government to install and operate my amateur radio equipment from the malaysian Layang-Layang island in the Spratly archipelago. And I got that famous call 9M0S which I worked 23 years ago.
I specially thank the malaysian government, the malaysian communications and Multimedia commission, the national security council of Malaysia, the Maritime security Souvereignty division, the malaysia amateur radio transmitters society and 9M6XRO. Special thanks also to Baldur, DJ6SI.
Without their help it wouldn’t be possible to be on the air from 19. april till 29.april 2016 from 160 to 6 meters, mainly CW
It’s a honor for me to make my wish come true and get qrv from Spratly shortly.
I wish you all good DX and enjoy the pile-up. Please be patient with me: even when I worked from more than 130 DXCC countries: I still use my ETM9 keyer and you will make a real contact with a human – not a laptop. I’ll promise to be as much qrv as I can; I promise to sleep not during band-openings, I will not go fishing or penguin watching (hi). But remember: even if you not reach me: be fair – don’t qrm and remember: it’s all a hobby
I keep you up to date at my facebook group 9M0S for latest information and also for contact me during the DXPedition. For joining the facebook group look here: And I also will blog a little bit on this site…
Mike, DF8AN / 9M0S
Added by DO7FOX |